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Get a comprehensive view of international trade between countries to set your business in a particular direction and drive growth for your business while keeping up to date with the latest information. Watch the video from Market Inside, providing its introduction with a quick glance at how our services help businesses.
Shipments Records
27M+ Total
22M+ Total
Countries Trade Data
Trade Data
Historical Data
From Jan 2010

Trusted by Clients

All Over the World

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Trusted by Clients

All Over the World

Import Export Data Online
Market Inside Limited has one of the largest online searchable databases of importing and exporting countries, covering over 195 Countries which consist of 59 Detailed Countries, 29 Exclusive Countries, 33 Statistical, 184 Mirror Data, 109 Suez Canal Bill Of Lading Data, 02 Bill Of Lading Data, 190+ Transit Data and 190+ Cargo BL Data countries.

195+ Countries Trade Data

33 Statistical Countries

109 Suez Canal BL Countries

29 Exclusive Countries

184 Mirror Countries

190 Transit Countries

59 Detailed Countries

2 Bill of Lading Countries

190+ Cargo BL Countries


195+ Countries Trade Data

33 Statistical Countries

109 Suez Canal BL Countries

29 Exclusive Countries

184 Mirror Countries

190 Transit Countries

59 Detailed Countries

2 Bill of Lading Countries

190+ Cargo BL Countries

59+ Detailed Data

33+ Statistical Countries

184+ Mirror Countries

2 Bill of Lading Countries

109 Suez Canal BL Countries

190+ Transit Countries

190+ Cargo BL Countries


See how simplified, insightful, and intrusive global trade data can help you stay ahead of the competition, stay up-to-date with the worldwide market, and streamline operations. Market Inside offers unique trade data solutions to various sectors and industries.


Find suppliers and their complete line of information and trace their origin, country, supply chain, etc.

Discover suppliers and exporters from our database.

Receive real-time updates of export data across the world.

Forecast future export trends.

Our Products

Designed with perfection, our intelligent trade products cater to the needs of each technology. Modeled on AI-technology, MI prioritizes data to each individual’s requirements by providing clients with an AI-based platform consisting of import and export records, country analysis and in-depth information on companies.

Technological advancements provide a competitive edge

Gain access to extensive import-export data of 195+ countries. Access information about volume, value, and types of traded goods between nations.

Building Confidence in Global Markets

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